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Spear Of Bullshit

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This is an old hackup of the shareware Spear of Destiny Demo I made a long time ago that for some reason I named "Spear of Bullshit". I used my NMAP map editor to make this as well as several home-made programs (that were never finished) to insert new graphics.

If you have played through my Marswar Doom levels some of these levels may seem vaugly familiar. I used a number of these SOB levels as a basis for some of the Doom levels.

Fun things to watch for in Spear of BS:

Command line parameter to enable cheats: DEBUGMODE
Key combination to activate cheats: LEFTSHIFT-ALT-BACKSPACE

Invincibility mode: TAB-G
Extra items:        TAB-I
Keys and items:     M-L-I
Walk through walls: TAB-N

Please ignore the anti-Apple crap being spewed by the evil walking Mac / Banana Jr.. This was made back before anybody had to use Windoze.

Download Spear of Bullshit. sob.zip

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